Aviation Job Description: Captain
An experienced and highly skilled Captain is sought to conduct assigned flights in strict adherence to the Company Operational Manual and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) regulations. The Captain is ultimately responsible for the safety, security, and efficiency of all operated flights. He/she provides leadership and guidance to the flight and cabin crew, effectively manages emergencies and unforeseen circumstances, and maintains control of the flight to ensure optimal performance and uphold a positive corporate image. The Captain is responsible for piloting aircraft between destinations according to schedules and approved flight plans, prioritizing safety, efficiency, and passenger comfort.
Experience, Qualifications, and Requirements:
- Minimum of 2000 hours Pilot-in-Command (PIC).
- Minimum of 800 hours PIC on the A320 family of aircraft.
- Minimum of 5000 hours of total flying experience.
- Preference will be given to trainers with TRE/TRI/LTC experience.
- Must possess valid licenses, a valid Class 1 medical certificate, and a valid Instrument Rating (IR).
- Must possess a valid English Language Proficiency (ELP) certification, Level 4 or above.
- Appropriate Commercial Pilot License (CPL) or Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) preferred.
- Successful completion of the technical and psychometric assessments, and Medical Fitness Check-up for Pilots as per Company/CAA standards is mandatory.
- Training in safety and emergency response is essential; a formal qualification is an advantage.
- Basic Airport and security procedures and regulations training is an advantage.
- Crew Resource Management (CRM) training is considered an advantage.
- Knowledge of IATA principles and standards relating to security is an advantage.
- Proficiency in aircraft systems, Microsoft Office, Internet and Web Search, technical report writing, and presentations is required.
- Experience with a low-cost airline is highly desirable but not mandatory.
Flight Deck Crew Emoluments – Captain:
- Contract Type: Undetermined period contract
- Total Fixed Salary (PKR/month):
- <1500 hours: 1,594,000
- 1500–3000 hours: 1,814,500
- 3000+ hours: 2,035,000
Salary Breakup Details (PKR):
- Basic Salary: 400,000 (<1500 hours), 475,000 (1500–3000 hours), 550,000 (3000+ hours)
- Fixed Flying Allowance: 400,000 (<1500 hours), 475,000 (1500–3000 hours), 550,000 (3000+ hours)
- Housing Allowance: 200,000 (fixed)
- Other Allowances: 209,000 (<1500 hours), 272,000 (1500–3000 hours), 335,000 (3000+ hours)
- Conveyance Allowance: 100,000 (fixed)
- Medical Allowance: 40,000 (<1500 hours), 47,500 (1500–3000 hours), 55,000 (3000+ hours)
- Settling Allowance: 150,000/month (discretionary)
- Seniority Allowance: 100,000/month, increasing to 300,000 over time (discretionary)
Additional Benefits:
- Transport: Provided for all flight duties.
- Comprehensive Package: Competitive pay, allowances, and operational support tailored to experience and hours flown.
Flying Variable Pay (per Credit Block Hour):
- 1–30 hours: PKR 8,000/hr
- 31–60 hours: PKR 13,000/hr
- 61–85 hours: PKR 18,500/hr
- 86–100 hours: PKR 20,000/hr
- 100+ hours: PKR 22,000/hr
Flying Allowance Guarantee: Guaranteed compensation for up to 73 block hours per month, conditional on completing 100% of assigned flying hours.
Duty Hour Pay:
- PKR 1,000 per actual duty hour (Sign-in to Sign-out).
- Credit Hour Multipliers:
- Day flights: 1x allowance
- Night flights (1830–0629): 1.3x allowance
Off-Day Duty: PKR 12,000 extra if rostered on an off day, plus Flying Allowance.
Other Benefits:
- Free onboard meal for operating crew.
- End-of-Service Gratuity: One month’s fixed gross salary for every 12 months of service.
This package ensures attractive rewards and comprehensive benefits for experienced flight crew.