Air New Zealand is seeking highly qualified candidates for a pilot position. The ideal applicant will possess a minimum of 3000 hours total flight time, including 1500 hours as pilot-in-command and 750 hours multi-engine experience. A minimum of 1500 hours of Part 121 experience is also required. A type rating is mandatory. Furthermore, the applicant must have 1500 hours pilot-in-command experience in a Part 121 aircraft and 750 hours pilot-in-command multi-engine experience. Instructional experience within an airline environment and holding a NZCAA Part 121 Flight Examiner approval are essential. Candidates must hold an ATPL and TRE license issued by the NZCAA, along with a Class 1 medical certificate. An ICAO English Language Proficiency level 4 is also required. Covid-19 vaccination status is not specified.